Reshaping Bolga Baskets - A detailed tutorial

August 21, 2020

Reshaping Bolga Baskets - A detailed tutorial

Reshaping Bolga Baskets - A detailed tutorial

We’ve had a few customers ask us about reshaping baskets so we thought we’d put together a quick and easy to follow tutorial to guide you through it. It's always a bit easier to see instructions in action!

Below is a photo of some of our bolga baskets and this is typical of how we pack our bulk orders for wholesale customers.

bolga baskets wholesale australia

Generally baby moses baskets, dolls baskets, change baskets, market baskets etc will come stacked together. Round baskets will come flattened and sometimes you will find two packed inside one another. This obviously takes up less space when packing bulk orders and consequently helps us to keep your freight costs down. This is typical of how all exporters of bolga baskets will pack them and how they are generally shipped worldwide. It just means once they arrive, you will need to do a little work to reshape them ready for retail.

Reshaping our handmade baskets is really straight forward. Kelvin and I made a quick video today to demonstrate what is required to get the baskets ready for display in a retail store.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us and we are happy to help. 

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